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Weight In Children

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Our children are starting to get fat. The frequency of children is not as low as you can imagine. It's a real medical problem we need to fix. This is not a simple weight problem that can be understood by sending the kids to play. The size of the children has reached numbers that nobody would have expected 10 years ago. Unfortunately, it is our fault that the adult janitors instruct anyone who influences what the children eat.

In 1995, the numbers for overweight and older children were still 12 to 15 years old: 26.1% were young men and 18.9% were girls. It's almost fifteen years ago and many people believe that the proportion of overweight adolescents is close to the adult population, which has now reached more than 60%. There is a lot of talk about children having to move harder and get more exercise, but there is a much bigger problem to survive, and it's not outside, it's at home.

Young people get fat because their parents get fatter. Tutors feed their children, what they accept is a healthy diet. They give them foods that are considered solid and continue the admonition they see on TV. Until the guards are sure what happens to them, they will continue to pass on their lies to their children, who will pass them on to their children. It would be good for you to understand that the advice you give about dieting is usually personal.

In the late seventies, there were some real changes in our diet. These advances will lead to a considerable number of diets from that moment on. They are by no means logical, they have never been tested in a lab or human preparation, and if you continue to follow them, you and your children will become fatter and suffer from type 2 diabetes victims of what your parents have passed on to you, When you temporarily reduce your calories to get in shape and push your family to do the same, you're looking for a disadvantage for you and your family.

You must investigate and ask yourself this question: If the food we are recommended is the right staple for us, why is every age getting bigger than the last? These diets will likely reduce our weight forever. For what reason would we say that we still do without excessive food intake? New fast travel in this century. When someone designs a diet that works, your weight steadily drops. That would be new in a few hours worldwide and nobody would have to count more calories.

The problem is not lack of activity, too much cheap food or other complacent reaction. The problem is that we have seen a profound change in our eating habits that affect adults and their children. It is a diet that can not treat our digestion. When you reduce calories, it reacts like there is a famine. This implies that your body is transformed into the bulk of the starch that you process into fat and stores it in your body.

Each diet will do its harm on every occasion to lose weight forever. No diet that you expect to control your calories will ever have the option to make you slim forever. No change, in this case, means you will never have to lose weight again.

When we need it, we can afford the last time to deal with the big problems of weight, physique and type 2 diabetes. We should know that every calorie-restricted diet follows an example. You will lose weight, but in a short time, you will start to turn it back. Whenever you feel like you have more weight than at the beginning. This is the reason why diets can never lead to permanent weight loss.

Obesity in children must be overcome. If you want to learn more about this topic, you can find a way to achieve lasting weight loss for yourself and your family. Do it before your children pass it on to their grandchildren. If you realize that this type of information is important to the future of your family, you need to learn more.


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